Gracie Jiu Jitsu Grand Junction - Interview with Owners Jason and Desiree

Jacob Tegtman • March 15, 2024
Gracie Jiu Jitsu Grand Junction

Live interview with Jason and Desiree Padilla, who own Gracie Jiu Jitsu Grand Junction.

Jason began learning Jiu Jitsu during his time in the military. During the COVID lockdowns, he and his family began practicing Jiu Jitsu on a daily basis, truly mastering the craft. Afterwards, they began offering classes in their garage to people in their neighborhood, and that small community has now developed to needing the massive floor space they've recently acquired at the Mesa Mall.

The Padilla's train people in Jiu Jitsu so that they never need to fight. However, they also primarily teach their classes so that anyone may learn to protect themselves in situations against someone who is bigger, stronger, and more athletic.

Try their 10-Day Free Trial!  To sign up, visit the Gracie Jiu Jitsu Grand Junction Website, or call them today at 970-901-0201!

Gracie Jiu Jitsu Grand Junction Promo
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